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About Me.

My name is Julia Danielson

I created Talk Alzheimer's as an assignment for my advanced professional and technical writing class at the University of New Hampshire. The purpose of the project was to design a website about a topic we are passionate about. 


Why Alzheimer's?

I have been working with and around Alzheimer's patients since I was sixteen years old. I have worked at two different nursing homes, one when I was in high school and one during college. I find being around Alzheimer's patients to be very rewarding. It sparks joy in me to be able to put a smile on their face and cultivate a sense of purpose in them. I hope one day to be a mental health therapist for Alzheimer's and dementia patients. 

Education and Experience


Activites Assistant
Harmony Homes Nursing Home

I work at a nursing home and memory care facitily next to my college campus. I work as an acitivites assistant, so I get to directly work with Alzheimer's patients. I organize crafts, music lessons, exersise classes, and help cultivate a daily sense of pupose.


University of New Hampshire

I am currently enrolled at the University of New Hampshire as a junior. I am double majoring in Psychology and English. 


Ocean View Nursing Home

My first job at a nursing home was as a dining room server. This job taught me patience and communication skills with dementia and Alzheimer's patients. 


Falmouth High School

I graduated from Falmouth High School in Maine in 2021. 

Why Kids?

Working at nursing homes, I see how much joy children and grandkids brings the Alzheimer's patients. I also notice how these kids can sometimes be afraid of their grandparent because of this disease. I want to help kids lower their fear by providing tools on how to communicate with their Alzheimer's grandparent. 

Senior Project

In High School, my senior project was to train my pet as a therapy dog. I brought him to the nursing home where I worked to see how the Alzheimer's patients would interact. 


If you have any specific questions, don't hesitate to reach out.

Talk Alzheimer's: 1111-2222

95 Main St

Durham, NH 03824

Phone: 1-800-000-TALK


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